Business Debt Negotiation​

Business debt negotiation is a powerful tool when your business is navigating the challenges of avoiding bankruptcy. At apickle, our team of Expert Debt Negotiators are here to help, liaising with creditors on your behalf to ensure a more favourable debt relief outcome.

Business Debt Negotiation​

Business debt negotiation is a powerful tool when your business is navigating the challenges of avoiding bankruptcy. At apickle, our team of Expert Debt Negotiators are here to help, liaising with creditors on your behalf to ensure a more favourable debt relief outcome.

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What is business debt negotiation?

Debt negotiation is the second part of our debt relief solution.


As a business, you may need to take out multiple business loans over the lifetime of your operation.


Let’s say your business has taken out a business loan with Lender A. 


Lender A has registered an interest against your business. If you fall behind in your payments, Lender A can execute their interest via the Caveat / PPSR or ALLPAPP.


As a business owner, you weren’t aware that the loan would interact with your property. But because the loan is now registered with interest, the property and the loan are ‘co-mingled’.


The debt becomes not just the original debt with Lender A, but also a registered caveat against the title of your property.


Without careful management, the repayments and interest on these loans can build up, putting your finances in a tenuous position, and the business at risk of bankruptcy. 


How can apickle help? In this instance, our expert team steps in to raise equity finance of 70% of your home’s value. 


They will pay out Lender A with 60% of the equity finance, and use the remaining 10% to negotiate with current caveators and/or creditors aiming to reduce the overall debt exposure from 80% to 70% and ensure a more favourable loan-to-value ratio (LVR). 


Our specialist debt negotiation team has extensive experience across various industries. 


They are skilled negotiators dedicated to ensuring your LVR works in your favour. 


Debt negotiation is crucial in settling with caveators and creditors. 


However, it’s just one part of our comprehensive debt relief solution.


Let apickle guide you through other key components, including debt restructuring and tax debt resolution.

Frequently Ask Questions

By negotiating with caveators and creditors on your behalf, apickle secures a more favourable LVR and consolidates multiple debts into one manageable loan with a structured repayment plan. 


This approach simplifies debt management and eases the complexity of dealing with multiple creditors, ensuring timely repayments. 


Effective debt negotiation and a Commercial Debt Restructuring Home Loan can also improve your business’s credit rating.

Any business that is either insolvent, or is likely to become insolvent that has a real asset (property) based in Australia is eligible for a Commercial Debt Restructuring Home Loan. 


If you’re unsure about your business’s eligibility, the best thing to do is submit an application to our team online. One of our Debt Restructuring specialists will arrange a free holistic video chat to discuss your situation and determine a debt relief solution that suits your needs.

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